Academic Resources for Families
Common Core
- Top 8 Questions Parents Ask Teachers- This document, written by teachers, is designed to answer parents' questions and concerns about Common Core
- Parent Guides by Grade Level- Guides to the Common Core for parents, explaining what students need to know and be able to do at every grade level
- Common Core Videos for Parents- Short videos to help parents understand the ideas of Common Core
- A great resource that includes "I can..." statements for each grade. These statements explain what students should be able to do in reading, math, and writing at each grade level
- A great document created by EngageNY that explains what parents can do to help their children learn with the new Common Core changes
parent_workshop_what_parents_can_do_handout.pdf |
- Parent's "Backpack Guide" to the Common Core- What changes can parents see as a result of Common Core? What can you expect to see in your child's backpack now?
parent_workshop_backpack_guide.pdf |
Math Curriculum
- Shared by Ms. Drzewinski, this website has plenty of helpful parent resources for our Engageny math curriculum from kindergarten through 8th grade.
Online Resources
- A list of some sites and games designed to help students practice the skills reflected in Common Core
Middle School College Ready Action Plan
college_ready_action_plan_middle_school.pdf |